Tuesday, May 1, 2007

We need a VISION of PEACE, that is powerful enough to open the future to hope, more than anything, we need to be a people of hope.

Is war in Iraq making you feel ill? Is the possibility of a nuclear attack on Iran making you feel worried for your future? Call in sick May 1, 2007

Join the coalition of artists, musicians, students, teachers, actors, cooks, waitresses, longshoremen, truckers, lawyers, contractors, veterans, bus drivers, homemakers, cashiers, maids, janitors, grocery, office, sanitation,farm, factory and train workers walk the road to freedom and peace and walkout on Tuesday, May 1, 2007. The larger the economic impact the more effective the walkouts will be.

Over 650,000 civilians have been killed and over 3,200 young Americans have died since the illegal war on Iraq started on March 20, 2003. More than 45,000 U.S. soldiers have returned to America permenatly disabled. Everyday we learn of gruesome acts of torture and crimes against humanity.

People all over the world are planning actions to stop the illegal war and Bush's agenda. One proposal is a walkout on May 1st where workers and students take the day off. The walkout can cause war profiteering corporations billions of dollars and shut down schools sending Bush a powerful message. Some people may occupy congressional offices and military facilities. There will be teach-ins, concerts, marches, rallys, blockades, banner hangings and all kinds of actions designed to show that the world wants an end to the war crimes in Iraq and that we reject the Bush agenda. Feel free to start planning the walkout and other actions in your community. The protests before the war were the largest actions for peace in world history. This could be an even larger.

Consider organizing a planning meeting and community events or celebration on the days of the walkout. Some communities are planning to take direct action.

Call A Global Walkout Network 1-800-884-1136

Iowa Walkout Flyer
People and groups supporting the Walkout
Please endorse the walkout